The Drapers Interview

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Sir 澳洲幸运5开奖查询结果 "upside-down management" of his family's shoe-repair to key-cutting business, Timpson, has led him to be crowned Lifetime Achievement winner at the Drapers Footwear Awards 2023. Drapers hears about his greatest accomplishments.



Layla Sargent, founder of repair service provider The Seam, explains how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the business. Read more here

The 2023澳洲幸运5开奖历史记录|查询开奖结果体彩 Interview

The Drapers Interview

Harrods’ Michael Ward: international man of luxury

Michael Ward, managing director Harrods since 2005, tells Drapers how he wins the patronage and maintains the loyalty of the world's wealthiest shoppers with “super-brands” and inimitable experiences.




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